Apart from enabling different features for the registration form, you can also configure registration settings. This article focuses on how you can configure registration settings.
Step 1: Select the Event
Once on the My Events dashboard, select the required event. Doing so takes you to the selected event's details screen.
Step 2: Select Tickets & Reg
Once on the Event Details screen, click the Tickets & Reg toggle button. This takes you to the Registration Form screen.
Step 3: Click 'Settings'
From the left navigation bar, click Settings. Doing so takes you to the Settings screen.
Step 4: Apply Validation Against Free Email Providers
Once on the Settings screen, navigate to the Apply Validation Against Free Email Providers heading and select the restriction you want to apply on the registration by clicking the relevant radio button. In case you want to make the provision of a business email address mandatory for registration, click the Yes, attendees must provide a business email address radio button.
Step 5: Select Privacy Policy
Navigate to the Custom Privacy Policy heading and select whether you want to use the Standard or Custom Privacy Policy by clicking the relevant radio button.
Step 6: Select Terms of Service
Navigate to the Custom Terms of Service heading to select whether you want to use the standard or custom terms of service by clicking the relevant radio button.
Step 7: Select Issuance of Tickets
Navigate to the Tickets heading and select whether you want to issue tickets to download via Apple or Google Wallet by clicking the relevant radio button.
Step 8: Select Issuance of Invoice
Navigate to the Invoice heading and select whether you want to issue invoices upon successful registration or not by clicking the relevant radio button.